Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

Grade 7: Planet Earth Unit Plan.pdf

Alberta Grade 7 Unit E: Planet Earth Unit Plan

As my specialization is Secondary Science, I like to plan my lessons and units by using instructional strategies to engage students in meaningful learning activities as seen in the Grade 7 Science Unit E unit plan I created. Throughout my experiences as a science student and teacher, I know how certain concepts in science can be difficult to understand, especially if taught just through direct instruction. In this unit plan, I address the learning outcomes and goals outlined in the Science 7 programs of study using a backward design process which allows me to show the students how their learning activities link to the intended outcomes. I have found that this approach allows both students and myself to deeply understand the concepts as well as how they connect to the world around us. Lastly, to ensure that students are making connections and have a meaningful understanding of the content, I ensure that I provide a variety of methods through which students can demonstrate their achievement of learning outcomes. As seen in this unit plan, I encourage students to present their work through written, oral and visual means, as well as incorporating digital media. By showing their understanding in a variety of ways, students are able to engage more deeply with the content and make connections that they may not be able to otherwise.

Excerpt from my Field II Narrative Assessment